Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Sweet Potato Harvest 2012

Digging up sweet potatoes takes the care of an archeological dig. Using a spade, as with 'ordinary' potatoes, can easily cut through the swollen roots that twist and turn beneath the plant in unpredictable ways. I scraped away with my little fork and found a worthwhile harvest.

Foliage that was beginning to show signs of dying off and the effects of the cold weather indicated that it was time to digs up the roots.

The sweet potatoes varied in size, there were a few large ones, several medium sized ones and a number of smaller 'sausages'. 

The smaller roots can be scrubbed and steamed whole and make an interesting, tasty side dish.

Friday, 19 October 2012

Sweet Potatoes and Radishes

These are the first sweet potatoes I've harvested this year. I think they look like lobsters. The skin scrapes off very easily and they are a deep orange colour underneath. They cook quickly and taste delicious - so far I've steamed them and mashed them with butter and also put them into a green Thai curry.

The sweet potato plant is a type of bindweed with the typically shaped, pretty flowers.

I forgot about these radishes and they've become giants.